Whose phone number called? Search our database with a phone number

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Whosenumber.co.uk is a website where you can find out who called you. Our database has information on thousands of United Kingdom phone numbers and their contact information. Users of our website can leave helpful comments about the phone numbers, such as if the caller is sales caller, dangerous, safe and so on.

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Normal Appears to be an Amazon scam.

01383894944 - 23.4.2024, 10:43

Annoying Still unsure as to who this is and there is no information anywhere. Called later at night, first time was 9:58pm and left a voicemail (just sounded like a pocket dial) and then at 10:11pm four days later, picked up but said nothing, knew my nameā€¦ weird.

07700156575 - 22.4.2024, 22:17

Annoying This number has called multiple times. When I answer there is just silence and then call is ended. I suspect it is a call centre auto dialling and no salesperson available to pick up the calls. Number now blocked

01746599362 - 19.4.2024, 11:12

Dangerous SCAMMER

02032871093 - 18.4.2024, 08:46

Normal Appears to be Advantis (debt collectors). Two calls received - message left on answering service. "..we have written to you (a lie), and need to contact you urgently." Gabbled message, caller does not ask to speak to a named person. very suspicious. BT Caller Identification flags as "Nuisance call?" We have made no effort to call back.

01782401192 - 15.4.2024, 12:11

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